Parish News

Temporary Closure of Witt Road February 2022
Dear all,
Please see the above links to the Notice and Indicative Plan for a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) for Witt Road (Part), Winsterslow commencing 7th February 2022.
The closure can also be found on here:
Kind regards
Jason Lucas
Traffic Order Team
Please direct any queries regarding these works to: Tel: 01225 713497
Posted 10th December 2021
Dear all,
Please see the above links to the Notice and Indicative Plan for a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) for Witt Road (Part), Winsterslow commencing 7th February 2022.
The closure can also be found on here:
Kind regards
Jason Lucas
Traffic Order Team
Please direct any queries regarding these works to: Tel: 01225 713497
Posted 10th December 2021

Volunteers wanted!
Brian Goggins is in need of a couple of volunteers to cover a couple of roads in Winterslow in respect of collecting for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal in November.
If you can offer an hour to collect for this charity please email
Posted 11th August 2021
Brian Goggins is in need of a couple of volunteers to cover a couple of roads in Winterslow in respect of collecting for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal in November.
If you can offer an hour to collect for this charity please email
Posted 11th August 2021

Primetower decision notice from Wiltshire Council planning department
More information here.
Posted 7th July 2021
More information here.
Posted 7th July 2021

Next Parish Council meeting
The next Parish Council meeting is on Monday 7th June. Physical attendance is severely limited by Covid restrictions. If you wish to attend or participate please contact the Parish Clerk.
Posted 28th May 2021
The next Parish Council meeting is on Monday 7th June. Physical attendance is severely limited by Covid restrictions. If you wish to attend or participate please contact the Parish Clerk.
Posted 28th May 2021

Development proposal for land at Middleton Road
Primetower have submitted a planning application to Wiltshire Council. We will put a link to the application here as soon as WC release the application number.
What have Primetower proposed?
See the letter from Primetower setting out their latest proposals in some detail.
Got a question on the proposals?
See Questions and Answers here.
How do I formally comment on the application?
Please read the final section in this statement from Councillors.
Community Survey…why not?
On 24th March, the Parish Council met to discuss a community survey on the application. The PC decided not to carry out such a survey. Click here to read the reasons for that decision.
Comments on Facebook
Councillors are aware of comments on Facebook but most Councillors do not use Facebook and will not see the comments. You can communicate directly with individual Councillors by phone, email etc, or address any comments to all Councillors via our Parish Clerk or via this website.
Can I see recent PC communications with Primetower?
Our Planning page contains all the communications with Primetower about their proposal plus Questions and Answers.
Will there be more houses in Winterslow?
Wiltshire Council are proposing new planning policies for villages. See comments from Parish Councillors about the implications for Winterslow here.
Statement from Parish Councillors
The proposal from Primetower for a development at Middleton Road has raised many questions from Parishioners about how the Parish Council operates, our communications with Primetower and how best to comment on a planning application. Please do read the statement which covers all these points here.
Posted 5th May 2021
What have Primetower proposed?
See the letter from Primetower setting out their latest proposals in some detail.
Got a question on the proposals?
See Questions and Answers here.
How do I formally comment on the application?
Please read the final section in this statement from Councillors.
Community Survey…why not?
On 24th March, the Parish Council met to discuss a community survey on the application. The PC decided not to carry out such a survey. Click here to read the reasons for that decision.
Comments on Facebook
Councillors are aware of comments on Facebook but most Councillors do not use Facebook and will not see the comments. You can communicate directly with individual Councillors by phone, email etc, or address any comments to all Councillors via our Parish Clerk or via this website.
Can I see recent PC communications with Primetower?
Our Planning page contains all the communications with Primetower about their proposal plus Questions and Answers.
Will there be more houses in Winterslow?
Wiltshire Council are proposing new planning policies for villages. See comments from Parish Councillors about the implications for Winterslow here.
Statement from Parish Councillors
The proposal from Primetower for a development at Middleton Road has raised many questions from Parishioners about how the Parish Council operates, our communications with Primetower and how best to comment on a planning application. Please do read the statement which covers all these points here.
Posted 5th May 2021

Winterslow Parish Council Notice regarding Coronavirus
Thank you for visiting our website.
The current situation relating to the Parish Council is summarised below. Please contact the Parish Clerk if you need any further information.
Parish Council meetings are currently being held remotely using Zoom. Meetings are on the first Monday evening of each month (a week later if a Bank Holiday). You can take part in these meetings by Contacting the clerk before the meeting so that arrangements can be made.
You can also contribute or raise questions at any time by contacting any Councillor or the Parish Clerk.
All play areas are now open. All users must comply with Government guidance relating to social distancing and hygiene. Wash hands before and after use. Be aware of the risks of contact with unsanitised common touch points.
Please do use recreation areas (including Barry's Fields) and our many public footpaths for exercise but only in accordance with government advice.
Dog Poo Dogs are NOT permitted at children's play areas or on any part of Barry's Fields because of the health risks, particularly to children. Removal of dog poo is mandatory at all other recreation fields and on all footpaths.
Barry's Fields Pavilion is closed during the current lockdown. The pavilion is now Covid secure and we welcome enquiries about hiring this recently refurbished facility. Please visit the Barry's Fields website.
The Recreation Ground Pavilion remains closed.
Comment on Planning Applications. Comments should be sent to the Parish Clerk and/or you can participate in PC meetings as described above.
Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub If you are self-isolating due to coronavirus (COVID-19) and you need help and do not have any family, friends or neighbours who can support you please let us know. We are here to help you with:
Thank you for visiting our website.
The current situation relating to the Parish Council is summarised below. Please contact the Parish Clerk if you need any further information.
Parish Council meetings are currently being held remotely using Zoom. Meetings are on the first Monday evening of each month (a week later if a Bank Holiday). You can take part in these meetings by Contacting the clerk before the meeting so that arrangements can be made.
You can also contribute or raise questions at any time by contacting any Councillor or the Parish Clerk.
All play areas are now open. All users must comply with Government guidance relating to social distancing and hygiene. Wash hands before and after use. Be aware of the risks of contact with unsanitised common touch points.
Please do use recreation areas (including Barry's Fields) and our many public footpaths for exercise but only in accordance with government advice.
Dog Poo Dogs are NOT permitted at children's play areas or on any part of Barry's Fields because of the health risks, particularly to children. Removal of dog poo is mandatory at all other recreation fields and on all footpaths.
Barry's Fields Pavilion is closed during the current lockdown. The pavilion is now Covid secure and we welcome enquiries about hiring this recently refurbished facility. Please visit the Barry's Fields website.
The Recreation Ground Pavilion remains closed.
Comment on Planning Applications. Comments should be sent to the Parish Clerk and/or you can participate in PC meetings as described above.
Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub If you are self-isolating due to coronavirus (COVID-19) and you need help and do not have any family, friends or neighbours who can support you please let us know. We are here to help you with:
deliveries of food and other essentials
loneliness and wellbeing.
You can request this help by calling our helpline on 0300 003 4576 or via email at The Wellbeing Hub team are available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Agenda and Minutes, Maps and Planning info. They are all held in our Documents section.
Why not pay a visit?
Agenda and Minutes, Maps and Planning info. They are all held in our Documents section.
Why not pay a visit?

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