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American Football

Played regularly at Barry's Fields, American Football is the exiting sport that is catching on in the UK.

For more information, visit:

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Badminton (Seniors and Juniors)

For more information, visit

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Country Walks

Friends of Bentley Wood.  

For more information, visit our website:

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Sociable Sunday Morning activity.

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At Barry's Fields

For more information, visit our website:

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Every Monday morning at the Village Hall.

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Short Mat Bowls

For more information, visit

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Table Tennis

Played regularly at Winterslow Village Hall.

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Yoga at the Village Hall

Connecting breathing with movement to improve flexibility and strength, encouraging relaxation and calm

Tuesday 6:30pm to 8pm
Thursday 9am to 10:30am
Thursday 6:30pm to 8pm

For more information, visit

Also at Barry's Fields.

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Winterslow Shu Ho Ju Jitsu Club

For more information, visit
Parish News

What is happening in the area?

Visit the Parish News page to find out!
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Recycling News

To check recyled waste collections, visit the Wiltshire Council's website.
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Village Hall
Village Shop
Barry's Fields

More information here Winterslow Parish Council Planning image
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