Medical Provision
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Village Hall
Village Shop
Barry's Fields

Also a mobile unit is carried by the First Responders.

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First Responders

First Responders with two Portable Defibrillators.

Coordinator – Cllr Simon Port
01980 863302

Community First Responders

South Weston Ambulance Service

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Salisbury Walk-in Health Centre

Salisbury Walk in Centre is co-located with Millstream Medical Centre.

The walk-in service provides convenient access to flexible health services and is run by a team of experienced clinicians. It is run on a first-come first-served basis unless someone is acutely unwell and needs immediate medical attention.

Opening Hours

For more information about the Salisbury Walk in Centre, visit

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Three Chequers Medical Practice

Three Chequers Medical Practice has a main Surgery in Endless Street, Salisbury and has branch surgeries in the villages of Pitton and Winterslow.

The Practice is a Partnership with 15 GP Partners and 10 additional GPs. It has a large practice team including nurses, healthcare assistants and pharmacists and is able to offer a wide range of services.
Parish News

What is happening in the area?

Visit the Parish News page to find out!
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Recycling News

To check recyled waste collections, visit the Wiltshire Council's website.
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Village Hall
Village Shop
Barry's Fields

More information here Winterslow Parish Council Planning image
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